hualien hotel

I always like to work on Hualien Hotel, think before go out accommodation like don’t understand, then to the needs of work, I gradually accustomed to the outside accommodation, although only one or two or three nights, but enough to make me all of a hotel is a useful understanding, in comparison to many in the hotel, I like the words selected Hualien Hotel, because it seems like every time waiting for me, I always travel place near it, sometimes. Although the distance is far, but I still take the fatigue all the way to catch the past accommodation, also know a lot of services where the students and they became good friends, I also have here satisfactory service to the friends around me are introduced, after they went to also gave high praise.

kyoto hotel

Finally can go to Japan to play, the mood is really very excited. This is the long-awaited trip, I went with some friends, we are ready to live in tokyo. Because there is no with the group, so to find myself a place. We search the Internet Kyoto Hotel, appeared a lot of good Kyoto Hotel, do not know to choose what is good. But Tokyo prices really high, Kyoto Hotel basic are relatively expensive, we are prepared to find a cheaper one live together at first, then go somewhere a little better re selection. You can also experience the local customs of the flat earth, also a very good thing.

濱千鳥之湯 海舟

同事終於從日本回來了,真是羨慕死我們了,能去日本旅遊。她也是沾了她老公的光,公司組織一起去日本那邊旅遊,費用全包,住的酒店也是非常不錯的,聽說是濱千鳥之湯 海舟。我以前聽說古濱千鳥之湯 海舟,是一家比較高檔的酒店,很多去日本旅遊的人們都會選擇濱千鳥之湯 海舟入住,可以體驗到很多日本傳統的東西,是非常不錯的體驗。我也準備什麼時候去日本旅遊,不過不知道要等多久,要是去的話我也要訂濱千鳥之湯 海舟酒店。







osaka hotel

Finally reached the safety of Osaka Hotel, I’ll call home safe, I is a person out of play, my parents are his only request is call them every day for peace, go out in the outside is most worried about me or my parents. My mother asked me to live is good, but I live in Osaka Hotel, of course, I also want to go out at night when a turn of it, because I can’t sleep, I was such a place to sleep is not very good. But let me gratified is super osaka hotel room really, tomorrow little habits should be able to have a good rest, I tried the bed, very comfortable.






快過年了,我這還沒回家呢,就聽到妹妹給我打報告說是老媽已經在家里給我按排了好幾個相親對象了,就等著我過年回家的時候讓我去相親呢,一聽到這些事情我都頭快要大了,因為我自己現在不想那麼早的去相親找老婆。我也是剛剛畢業不久的,我想現在把所有的心思都放在工作上的,其實我也并不是排斥相親,其實相親也是一種非常不錯的交友方式 。我身旁邊也有幾個朋友他們是也是通過相親找到了人生中的別一半,而且現在也過的很幸福。