unlimited hosting

The company this time the project is particularly much, see now the company development is also good, I was also happy. But our company recently unlimited hosting often a problem, today I also asked people to repair, that is our company’s unlimited hosting memory is too small, that is when the real buy this unlimited hosting, memory is a bit small, but during this period of time the project, so I went to the company the new change of the two larger unlimited hosting, so it is more convenient, did not expect that since the afternoon for two large memory unlimited hosting, now do the documents are more convenient, and the operation of the process is not card.





Taipei Japanese restaurant

I always like to eat Japanese food, because I’m studying in Japan for two years, during that time in Japan to study I would like to eat Japanese food, after returning home rarely eat Japanese food, because the restaurant do Japanese food doesn’t taste authentic so I rarely go, not long ago I found a the restaurant do Japanese cuisine, taste particularly good, I intend to go to the restaurant to taste today, friends after work called and asked me to go with her to dinner and I’ll tell a friend go to Taipei Japanese restaurant to eat Japanese food, friends listened to my story also promised to Taipei Japanese restaurant to eat Japanese food thing, I went to a friend when they had come to the restaurant.



Taipei four star

I heard Taipei four star in the recruitment of the lobby manager don’t know Is it right? Really, today in the chat with my friends when I was telling a friend about the Taipei four star for the things, friends listened to my story that is really say she has a classmate to apply, listen to friends say the things I say I want to apply for the lobby manager, friends listened to my story and asked my job now is not good? I told my friends that I now work well and I am also very love, but I have always wanted to work in that inside the hotel, a friend to hear I say just say there are plenty of opportunities for the future, hear my friends tell me that they said I had to wait for the next opportunity.

日本 酒店

朋友要過生日了,把我們聚集起來問我們想去哪里美美的吃一頓。我們商量了半天都不太清楚,徵詢朋友的意見,他說那就去日本 酒店吧,那裏的服務也是相當不錯的,各種各樣的美食雲集,想吃什麼就有什麼。生日那天我們都早早的到了日本 酒店,那裏真的可謂是很高端的,酒店裏的服務員非常的熱情,將我們帶到一個很不錯的房間,那裏的環境特別的舒適,那天我們享受了很多的美味,大家在一起邊吃邊聊開開心心度過了愉快的一天。

函館灣拉維斯塔飯店 訂房

和家人出外玩了整整一天,因為晚上了離家裏也比較遠,於是我就給函館灣拉維斯塔飯店訂房的服務人員打電話,電話接通後,服務人員很有禮貌的問我是不是要訂房,我讓她把丸駒溫泉旅館 訂房的詳細情況告訴給我,瞭解完之後,我就和全家人一起去了那裏,可能是生意特別好的原因,丸駒溫泉旅館 訂房的人特別多,服務員的電話一個接一個,她們說話的語氣也是相當的客氣,即使很繁忙,但她們說話辦事時平靜的心態讓人感到非常的舒服和開心。



