




在電視上面看到打golf的人都是那些很有身份的人很老的人在打,我這樣給我爸爸說,我爸爸說你知道什麼,人家現在很多國家的人都培養孩子從小打golf呢,我說你怎麼知道呢, 我爸爸說我還知道很多你不知道的事情呢,其實在我看來我們年輕人知道的事情肯定要比我爸爸那個年齡段的人要多的多,但是很多時候我爸爸知道的事情我都不知道,這樣的時候我就不知道該怎麼去說了,其實我覺得我現在要去看看到底想要打golf的人都是哪些人群,這樣的話我也會鼓起勇氣去看看我到底可以不可以試試。

job vacancy

These few days, I have been looking for a job, I found a recent period of time, do not know how many companies, which have the job vacancy phenomenon, I think this is the case, is also very good ah, I can find a job easier, but this is my own professional learning I think that is really not easy to find work, although that is the job vacancy many companies, but to find a satisfying company or some difficult, but I think, if I keep the intention to find the words, will be able to find a good company, but I also believe that there are so many job vacancy, I will be able to find a seat of their own, because my ability is very good, so I should believe my.

haneda airport transfer

Say good friends want to meet me at the airport, but when I arrived at his city airport, I opened the phone and found he gave me a message, he said he can’t drive to pick me up, so let my own solution and then reach the designated hotel, at first I saw this message, I don’t know what to do, but then I think of it I can haneda airport transfer to hotel, because now airport has vehicles directly to the hotel, so I made an appointment and give myself haneda airport transfer, then I can safe arrival at the hotel, at the same time can also prove to him that my ability!

箱根 住宿推薦

早上我朋友給我打電話,問我準備好了沒有,我就問他 那我們幾個住在哪裡嗯,因為我,們要一起去箱根旅遊,所以我就順便問了一句,結果我朋友就說是這點就不用我操心了,因為他都已經準備好了,而且就住在我之前給他說過的箱根 住宿推薦,我一聽說是箱根 住宿,我還蠻期待的呢,因為在這家酒店我還是認識一個熟人的,我其實之前也在別人的箱根 住宿推薦下,住進了箱根 住宿,確實很好,我很滿意,所以才會有了這次的期待呢。

data center security

I want to buy this software, after listening to my friend first recommend the data center security, in fact, my friend gave me time to recommend this data center security I was very hesitant, although my friend straight since it is not wrong, but because I have a point of this is not to understand more don’t know what kind of thing in the end is the data center security, then had to search the Internet all about the data center security advisory, after seeing that some of the online evaluation, I immediately decided to buy the data center security data center security, of course people also did not let me disappointed since using the data center security efficiency of our company also improved a lot.


This period of time are not good with your child, I see his mood is not so good, so I took a day off, going to take him out to play well, the two of us went to a toy store, he said, is like a toy, I took him in. Look, the children see Digimon toys very happy, said he would like a Digimon toy, I also looked at the Digimon toy, I think it is very good, the staff also said that now is the most popular is the Digimon toy, heard him say that and I gave the children bought the Digimon toys, children with toys very happy, to see his cute looks, I am also very happy, because in my opinion, as long as he is happy, was more important than anything.

攝影 工作室

弟弟現在自己開了一個攝影 工作室之後,我覺得他變得有責任心了很多,我弟弟說其實我在籌備自己開攝影 工作室的事情方面,我自己也有很大的壓力,我也不知道到最後會不會成功,我說你自己也不要有那麼大的壓力了,我們每個人在做自己想要去做的事情的時候,都會有這樣那樣的猶豫,但是我們到最後還是會去做,因為我們內心的聲音都是在說,你要努力去做,所以說我是支持你去做你真正想要去做的事情,你開攝影 工作室的事情真的是很不錯的一個決定。

toyota cars

Saw me a friend who came back from Japan, he directly bought a Toyota cars, I was just curious, car brand so much, why he chose the Toyota cars this car for a brand, then I just know originally, when he was working in Japan in the Toyota cars factory, and he himself also is for Toyota cars very highly, after listening to him, I think what he said is very reasonable, and I also will understand him that now, I am very happy, because I think we later if go out to party, I will let my friend drove the Toyota cars to pick me up, when the time comes I can also learn about driving with his car, he is a driver, you can when my teacher.