我回家的時候,就看到爸爸找急忙慌的出去,我還問他出去幹什麼呢,我爸爸就告訴我說是我們家的地暖管出現了問題,所以她現在要出去給我們家買三偏心蝶閥,因為物業已經在我們家開始給吧修理了,只是由於使我們個人原因造成的損害,所以理應使我們承擔損失的,所以才會有了爸爸去買三偏心蝶閥這回事,不過也沒有關係,只要趕緊把家裡的地暖修好,等天氣冷了的時候,我們家也不會受凍了,還好爸爸的速度也很快,一會兒工夫就買回來了, 物業也給我麼家修好了。
Taipei Japanese restaurant
Taipei Japanese restaurant and so I’m still my boss, what he said to me in Taipei Japanese restaurant waiting room waiting for him, because he has to go before this project to win, it would be our trip to Taipei, the largest harvest. This is a big project this list, if we are going, then the remaining months will be very busy, we are also able to earn more, ask the customer to this end boss in Taipei Japanese restauran dinner, after dinner later he took hot springs, hot springs when they came out ahead of me, because the two executives to talk about things then, I is not convenient if they speak, I also believe that the boss will give me a good news came out of.
GIA Diamond
結婚時候我老公送給我的這個(GIA Diamond)一直到現在我都戴在手上,從來都沒有取下來過呢,這個(GIA Diamond)實在是太讓我喜歡了呢,雖然他送給我的戒指和首飾也是特別的多呢,可是就這麼一個(GIA Diamond)是我最鍾愛的呢,不僅僅因為這個(GIA Diamond)是我老公結婚的時候送給我的呢,而是因為這個(GIA Diamond)實在是因為太漂亮了呢,戴了這麼多年了還是和當初買的時候一樣好看。而且到目前為止我買的這個(GIA Diamond)也是相當的流行呢。戴出去也感覺自己特別的有面子。
web design course
放暑假的時候在家里也沒有什麽事情可做呢,就想著找一個自己感興趣的興趣班子去好好的學習一下,剛好那天下午我朋友來我家里玩說自己想去報一個興趣班可是不知道報個什麽班子呢,問我暑假的時候想幹什麼呢,我說自己也想報一個興趣班也不知道報一個什麽班呢,我們兩個商量了一下當時都對這個(web design course)非常的感興趣呢,去年的時候我就想著報這個(web design course)可是因為臨時有事沒有完成心願,現在剛好趁著這個暑假可以把自己的心願圓了。
real estate investment
我哥們人家現在可真的是發達了呢,別墅住著,豪車開著,那日子過的有滋有味的呢。看的我們這些之前一起玩大的哥們那叫一個嫉妒呀,哎,我們現在也只有嫉妒的份了呢,誰讓我們之前沒有像人家那麼有眼光投資(real estate investment)呢,要不然現在我們幾個估計也和人家一樣了呢,也是別墅住著,豪車開著呢。哎,人和人的差距怎麼就這麼的大呢。我們怎麼當初就沒有看出來(real estate investment)的發展前景了呢,人家怎麼就那麼明智的把全部的精力都用在了(real estate investment)上面呢。
Taipei ximending boutique hotel
Want to go to the Taipei ximending boutique hotel, where to buy a lot of things ah, but this week it seems I was and did not have time, because I need a lot of things, I wanted something that it was only the Taipei ximending boutique hotel there was With it, so I have the rest can wait until next month to go, but at this time, my friend gave me a call, saying that I need to see what is not, because she is now in the Taipei ximending boutique hotel inside it, I heard it all tickled to death, because what I want is next to the Taipei ximending boutique hotel, a store, I, give, she said, but also very grateful to her, that myThey do not have to go to it, good fun.
rent luxury villa bali
今天我在網上看到了這個(rent luxury villa bali)的廣告了,看了一下這里還真的是挺不錯的呢,因為我以前一直都想有時間就去那個(rent luxury villa bali)那里玩一次呢,但是我想我以后可能也沒有什麽時間了吧,因為我的小寶寶也是剛出生的,我還要好好的照顧他呢,所以我想去(rent luxury villa bali)玩的這個想法也就一直都沒有在說出來了,但是今天看到了這個(rent luxury villa bali)的廣告我就又特別的想去呢,我就想等寶寶大一點的時候也是還可以帶這他出去玩的呢,而且這個(rent luxury villa bali)是多麼好的一個地方。
Website Development
我畢業後就在本地找了一份(Website Development)的工作,做了倆年後我發覺在這裡不能發揮出我的潛能,於是我就決定去大城市發展。思前想後我決定去香港,因為我有同學也在香港做(Website Development)而且還是很有前途,所以我決定也去香港發展。來到香港工作倆年後,我就和同學商量我們合夥開一家(Website Development)公司。於是我們就付出行動開起了(Website Development),後來我們的(Website Development)發展的越來越好。