At the beginning I came to this strange place, to tell the truth I have not at ease, always feel that they will stay for a long time in this city will not, because it was so long, did not find a suitable own work, I really worry about ah! Houlai9 I in the online resume, not too much field time, I received them to give me a call, said let me go to the real estate investment interview, I’m a little worried about because they don’t know enough about real estate investment, worried about their own this interview to, also in a waste of everyone’s time, so I checked on the Internet related to real estate investment data. I felt that I could, so I went to the interview.
東京 住宿推薦
真沒想到我朋友這麼快就結婚了,他現在要去度蜜月,我就告訴他東京 住宿推薦了,現在要去度蜜月,去歐洲什麽的都不太合適,因為太遠了,到東京去就蠻不錯的,而且還有很多好玩的地方,相信朋友一定會喜歡,而且我這個東京 住宿推薦也很不錯的,要是他和他老婆一起去是最好不過的了。我覺得度蜜月的話一定要住得好,所以推薦給他的酒店都是那邊很不錯的,如果是我的話,我也一定會帶我妻子去那裡旅遊,不過可惜我還沒有結婚,就先讓我朋友去吧。
京都 住宿
如果想要旅行的話京都是個不錯的選擇,我在京都 住宿差不多有一周的時間了吧,感覺很不錯哦。首先我們旅館就很好玩的,還有特別好吃的日本料理,我現在都不太想回去了呢。但是休假完了還是要回去上班,這一點讓人有些失落,不過也難得有機會到京都 住宿,其他朋友還沒有我這麼好命呢。其實一開始我也不知道要去哪裡,後來看到一本旅遊雜誌上介紹的京都,真的感覺是一個旅遊休閒的好地方,而且酒店也特別好預訂,於是我就跑到這邊來了。
東京 住宿
有的時候出來旅遊也挺不錯的,跟男朋友分手之後我不想他一直來吵我,就到東京 住宿去了,本來工作什麽的也不忙,聽說我要休假,經理很快就批下來了。現在我差不多有兩個月的時間,真的感覺不錯。忙了這麼多年也應該讓自己休息一下了,而且我在東京 住宿的地方真的算是非常繁華,離市區比較近,所以有很多好玩的地方,也可以暫時告別前男友的騷擾,要不是他我也不會這麼堅決想要休假的。昨天跟朋友通了電話,跟他說了我在東京的生活,搞的他也想要休假旅遊了。
real estate investment
See the real estate investment project I was a little Heartbeat, but to cooperate with others to do, because the light is our company a may be a bit difficult. To say that a few years to do real estate investment many, I met several business partners, they are more or less on the real estate investment is interested in, I want to ask them. Because of this project I really don’t want to let go, and look at the client side is also relatively satisfied with us, I think as long as to find a cooperative company, to solve the capital problem in this area, and then very easy.
osaka hotel
Going to Japan on business, but I have not set a good hotel, afternoon to call friends make friends to my house to have things need her help, friends listen to me say she’ll go to my house, off the phone with my friend after I was at home until a friend come, just to see a friend I will give friends say I’m going to Japan on business hotel has not laid down that she recommend a hotel to my friends, listen to my story and said Osaka Hotel pretty good, if I went on a business trip to Japan would go to Osaka Hotel says the hotel accommodation environment especially good, say I will love. Listen to the friend say things I also promise.
japan hotel
Brother told me that he will travel to Japan with my sister-in-law, let me recommend a good hotel to his brother, listen to the story I tell my brother Japan Hotel quite good, I told my friend when going to Japan tourism is in the Japan hotel stay, the hotel room and do SPA service, I believe my sister-in-law would like, he heard my story said that the hotel I say he has understanding but did not go to the hotel, heard the brother said that I will say he took my sister-in-law to the hotel to you know I said OK the elder brother, hear I say say him to consider, hear brother said that I wouldn’t say anything.