Company to hold year-end party, but this is due to the person in charge of me, so I’ll follow the company’s year-end party leadership based on past give me mention a few requirements, so I put our year-end party venue set in a more lively japan hotel, because this hotel is in the city center, we went to, they also are more convenient, to say the choice of collective organizing company events in japan hotel there is a reason that more people in our company, and japan hotel can accommodate so many of our employees, but also more and more activities, we start the game, then it will be much more convenient for this year, I have to pay more in particular several new game yet, I hope that time everyone will like it! It is also a recognition of my ability yet.
kyoto hotel
After I came kyoto hotel, would let my co-workers made a call, because he has been ahead in kyoto hotel waiting for me, this time we travel, my colleague here first, so I had to set a good room , in kyoto hotel, so after I arrived here in the waiting room waiting for me my colleagues do, so he helped me down the procedures for housing it, just did not think my colleague had never been seen talking with a client matter, so a little late back, while I was in kyoto hotel to eat a meal, because after bumps along the way, my stomach has been hungry, so I ate when I returned back to my colleagues said to be embarrassed apology yet.
where to stay in Taipei
The play does not know where to stay in Taipei it, but my brother said not to worry, if you want to live, of course, is to live in the house away from the sister-in-law near the. Went to Taipei, I play it, but I went to see my brother in-law, but I also hope that we can help him, but he does not seem to want me to intervene, so it does not matter, had the chance to play a holiday to Taipei I must enjoy playing. where to stay in Taipei things I let myself running a brother, anyway, he is often on the outside, must know what you want to live in the hotel, and the hotel’s sister-in-law what the neighborhood, he must be very familiar with, and I let him have to find a the best hotels.
濱千鳥之湯 海舟
朋友約我一起去濱千鳥之湯 海舟,我還沒有聽說過濱千鳥之湯 海舟酒店呢,所以對這家酒店充滿了好奇,因為朋友說是他要結婚了,就顯得感謝我這個大媒人,他們倆之間的認識是通過我給介紹的呢,所有倆人就想著帶我去高檔的酒店吃飯呢,最後就在濱千鳥之湯 海舟預定了一桌子好菜,我到了他們給我 說的地點之後,就看到了濱千鳥之湯 海舟,光從外表看起來就很華麗啊!所以我心裡也舒服了很多,不過讓我在意的是我進酒店之後服務態度也是相當的貼心呢。
太開心了我們可以去澎湖玩了,老公早早的都計畫好了怎麼也不早告訴我呢,這是我給我一個驚喜嘛。哈哈,不管怎麼現在我知道要去澎湖玩,我真的好開心的,而且老公還給我們預定好我了,我最喜歡的澎湖民宿,其實我們剛結婚的度蜜月 的時候我就要去澎湖玩的,可是那會因為工作的原因沒能去成。讓我非常的遺憾的。因為我特別的喜歡澎湖民宿,在澎湖民宿里面有世界經典童話故事-仙履奇緣為發想設計,我早就想和老公一起去了,一直都沒有合適 的機會,現在好了老公都已按排好了一切,就等我們出發了。