日本 高級大廈

中午經理給大家開會的時候就講了要去日本出差的事情說是這次派去日本出差的人是要學習一個新項目,說是這次派去的人都是公司經過挑選以后的,接下來經理就講了要去日本出差的人員沒有想到里面竟然有我真有太好了。經理就說這次去日本學習的地方是日本 高級大廈說是那邊有客戶會接待說是日本 高級大廈特別的好,聽到經理那樣講我就特別的開心。下班回到家里我就給姐姐講了我要去日本出差學習的事情,姐姐聽了我講的事情就說我去日本出差隨便也可以旅遊一趟挺好的。

日本 高級住宅大樓

一直都想去日本看一下小姨一家可是都沒有時間,這次放假我就打算去日本,晚上跟爸媽在聊天的時候我就告訴媽媽我要去日本看小姨的事情,媽媽聽了我講的事情就說我想去就去吧,讓我去了之后多拍一些照片帶回來讓她看我也就答應了。早上的飛機下午就到了日本小姨去機場接的我說是不一會兒就到了小姨家里,覺得小姨住的地方可真好,小姨就告訴我說是她剛在日本 高級住宅大樓買的房子,聽到小姨講日本 高級住宅大樓我就說一定很貴吧,小姨就告訴我說是住在這里離她上班的地方很近。

日本 公寓 投資

晚上跟朋友在聊天的時候朋友就告訴我說是她打算不開餐廳了把餐廳要轉讓出去,聽了朋友講的事情我就問朋友她為什麽要把餐廳轉讓出去難道是生意不好嗎,朋友聽到我那樣講就說她想做日本 公寓 投資說是比她開餐廳還要賺的多,聽到朋友講日本 公寓 投資的事情我就問朋友她去了解清楚了沒有,朋友聽到我那樣問就告訴我說是她正準備去好好的了解一下,聽到朋友那樣講我就說等她把日本 公寓 投資的事情了解清楚了之后再轉讓餐廳也不遲,朋友聽到我那樣講也就答應了。

tokyo real estate

Many of my friends to do the real estate business of the home, and now a career. Evening with friends Xiaoping in a chat Xiaoping told me that she is ready to do Tokyo real estate asked if I have any good ideas, listening to Xiaoping speak the things I told Xiaoping Tokyo real estate has been very popular and where prices are especially high, I believe she will have special big harvest. Xiaoping listened to my story that she is now understood to the said is soon her company will expand to Japan, listening to Xiaoping speak of the things I said she now business is bigger and bigger really let I envy ah. Xiaoping heard me say you say I can tell her a piece of dry.

japan real estate

The manager asked me how much understanding of the Japan real estate, after listening to the manager asked the things I told the manager I before that time work in Japan have some understanding now know not many just understanding through the news above, manager listened to my story you told me is the company going to do Japan real estate let I know some more, let me do a detailed information to him, listening to the manager about the things I also promise. Night with a dinner I gave the friends told me to understand Japan real estate thing, friends listened to my story and asked me Is it right? Our company to do the aspects of business, hear a friend asked that I said yes, friends told me that is then I can go to Japan on business.



消毒 除蟲

宿舍外面貼了一個告示講的是關于宿舍消毒 除蟲的事情,下午跟朋友花花在聊天的時候我就講了宿舍要進行消毒 除蟲的事情,花花聽了我講的事情就說等宿舍進行消毒 除蟲的時候她就住到她朋友那里去,聽了花花講的事情我就說住在外面也挺好的,我就打算回家住兩天,花花就說住家里是最好的。之后花花就告訴我說是等到下次放假的時候她打算去台北旅遊說是跟她幾個舍友一塊去,就問我要不要跟她一塊去台北旅遊,聽到花花講的事情我就說到時候看時間安排吧。



Ximending boutique hotel

Male friends see me this time too busy working also did not have a good rest going to travel with my relax mood. Today with my boyfriend in the chat when my boyfriend told me that he is ready to take me to travel to Taiwan to ask I think how her boyfriend decided to travel to Taiwan I is good, boyfriend heard me say said he put the hotel arrangements in the Ximending boutique hotel said it is time we directly can go to the Ximending boutique hotel accommodation, her boyfriend said that I also promise. After her boyfriend told me some things about some travel tourism. Listen to the boyfriend about things I feel boyfriend very thoughtful arrangements.

