日本 Pocket wifi

我朋友給我說是讓我也去辦理日本 Pocket wifi,這樣的話我房子也就有網絡了,不管是手機還是電腦都可以聯網了,而且他還告訴我說是日本 Pocket wifi的一個月費用也不高,對我們這些研修生來說,整天除了上班就是呆在房子里,還不如弄個日本 Pocket wifi,還可以跟國內的親戚朋友聯繫呢,而且這樣的話時間也就過得很快了,畢竟三年的時間也不短,我們還是要珍惜一下現在的生活呢,而且最主要的就是我辦理了日本 Pocket wifi之後,就可以在網上學習了。




最近在家真是閑無聊,所以我就想去到處玩玩,可是周邊好多能玩的地方我都已經玩過了,感覺都沒有什麽好玩的了,那天上網的時候看到了日本沖繩旅遊而且還不錯,從小的就經常的看一些日本動漫,後來我上大學的時候還學了日語,對日本的好多的文化還是了解 一些的。所以我心里還一直想著要是有時候了我一定要去日本旅遊,那天看了日本沖繩旅遊攻略后,最近就特別的想去日本沖繩旅遊了,這幾天聯繫了好幾個朋友了,可是他們都特別的忙,都沒有人和我一起去日本沖繩旅遊

Ximending boutique hotel

Some time ago a friend went to Taipei on a business trip once back to bring me a lot of Taipei specialty, are very delicious, but also brought me a lot of gifts. Not the Kui is a good friend to go where all forget me. Now feel very lucky. The friend that day came back to me and said the most is when they travel to live that Ximending Boutique Hotel, and has been in the Ximending boutique hotel has praised how good, usually no how to see he praised what things well, but this time he had more than once to me is this Ximending boutique hotel is very good, but also I saw she was in the Ximending boutique hotel took a lot of pictures.



消毒 除蟲

上次和老公我們一起帶兒子出去玩的時候兒子特別的喜歡一只小狗,后來非要在家里養小狗,于是老公就給回家了,可是兒子還小了,小狗的身上一定會有一些細菌會的,這是我最擔心的了,所以這幾天我在網上查了一下這個消毒 除蟲的產品還不錯,所以自從家里有了小狗以后我就每天給家里都消毒 除蟲。為了家人的健康還和小狗狗的健康,我覺得訂時的給家里消毒 除蟲還是好一些。這樣兒子要是和小狗玩的話,我也就放心了。

invest japan

This time our company’s successful completion of this project will really have to thank my old school, my classmates from high school when we knew, but after his own graduation from college we did not how to contact us, but did not thought was to do a new project in a few days ago when our company did not expect that my client accident is old school. A few days ago we received this project when I feel very familiar name, but it will also think of the same name who is now so much, I really met yesterday and when the customer really determine if the original really is him. Later we sat together in conversation for a while before I realized that the students are now working in Japan do invest japan, and now hear a lot of companies invest japan yet. Our company now is the need to invest the time, then we will talk a bit let him give us an investment company.

hualien hotel

Last week to find a friend to play, she also helped me set up hualien hotel, is really a very nice hotel. Although not the best I stayed in, but also very good, mainly the environment is very good, people feel very clean, service is also very much in place as well as to return to their home. Really very grateful to friends to help me set up hualien hotel, next time if another play, then I will certainly still be set hualien hotel’s. A friend also hualien hotel ready to play over there, I’ve put hualien hotel recommended to them, I think they would really like hualien hotel, and such a good hotel must recommend it to more people, good things would you share.

half case

Go to the mall in the afternoon saw a lot of half case no one you like, I did not expect to find a home on the Internet to find a lot of half case are very beautiful. And there are several I are particularly fond of. Later in my carefully chosen selection of a few of my favorite half case, I would like to bring these half case on my phone would be very nice, just a few days before her boyfriend gave me a new phone, and this also the latest mobile phone. This is in the hands of a few days to get a little bit afraid of him being hurt, so I wanted to buy a half case quickly to bring cell phones, cell phone so I would not hurt.

臺灣 鳳梨酥

上周和老朋友一起吃饭,因自自己身体不佳,所以就找了一间安静舒适的环境喝茶,好长时间没见心里难免有些激动。其实来这目的就是坐在一起叙叙旧,没想到她还给我带来了好多特产,小吃。我当时忽然觉得挺不好意思的,因为自己什么都没准备。所以一心想着呀一起分享下。结果她很是不乐意,再三要求下,她终于答应拆开几包,其中就有臺灣 鳳梨酥。我当时还没太留意,她却强调确实不错,果不其然,味道确实是棒棒的,甜而不腻。现在臺灣 鳳梨酥成了我家饭后的甜点,也是宝宝最开心的时刻。