real estate investment

I have a friend who works in a real estate investment company, this is we know when a party, because of his real estate investment company is famous in this area, so I told a friend chat a few words, because I also have the job hopping is going to do, after all I now the work unit welfare salary ah, what is not his good, so want to let a friend help me introduce you, friends was very readily agreed, that is every year to the end of time, when their company is the largest mobile, so advised me to the end of the year to contact with him, and he recommended me to the real estate investment to work, after all, I have this experience!

hualien hotel

A friend called me to say he is now in the Hualien Hotel for me, let me hasten to go over there, after listening to me very anxious, thought he had nothing, but when I arrived at Hualien Hotel, found my friends with a girl talking about, I just calm down, slow walk past, tell him I have come, he immediately called the waiter served, said to be invited me to dinner, I saw the original is he has got a new girlfriend, so he invited me to dinner, I watch each other quite good, polite, civilized, listen a friend said she went to work at Hualien Hotel or Hualien Hotel, and competent. I thought his girl friend is quite reliable in it.


这么早的让儿子去學習EMBA是不是有点太早了啊,近幾年來社會上面的竟爭都非常的大,現在好多的人都會去學習EMBA的,老公有一段時間都想去報名去學習EMBA的,可是他平時經常的出差,都沒時間。所以老公很早的時候就給我說過,到時等我們孩子 長大了一定要讓他去學習最好的EMBA的可是我们家孩子现在才刚上高中啊,可是去學EMBA是有点早了,可是老公却说是现在已经可以了,我也知道儿子学习成绩是不错,去EMBA是没问题的,可是我还是觉得现在年龄有点小,再过几年去的话能好一点,我还是希望老公能考虑考虑。

Taipei hotel near mrt

The friend said that he is in the Taipei hotel near MRT this hotel to live, feel that in the Taipei hotel near MRT this hotel is particularly good, but I say you if have what thing, then you can be in the Taipei hotel near MRT this hotel, if you just go play or look at the words of a friend, then went to other places to live, my friend said that you do not know it, we live if traffic is very convenient, it will save us a lot of things is to think of it, I think I actually had some reason to think so, because we are now just beginning to work, oneself also not much savings.








我還是決定干財務策劃工作,但是對於一個有會計基礎的我來說還是有一定的難度的,因為我之前也沒有做過財務策劃這個工作,所以我就給公司說是先讓我休息一段時間,因為我想給自己充電呢,到時候電充滿了,我就回來上班,當然公司一聽說我要去國外一段時間專門學習財務策劃知識,很高興想著我 是一個不可剝奪的人才,於是就說是我去國外學習財務策劃知識的費用公司全包了,公司只有一個條件那就是我從國外回來以後繼續為公司效力,我當然沒有問題了。



hualien attractions

Like Hualien attractions, not only can see the beautiful scenery, but also the side of the hotel is also very good, the feeling is like living in the home, I am a special love to travel everywhere, as long as there is no work will travel in the body, this time I to Hualien is to see some photos of my friends took, he is from Hualien, took some pictures of their local scenery photos, I was like, so come here to travel. Go to the Hualien attractions tour thing is also very good arrangement, there are many side hotel, I look and see, find a home I am very satisfied with the hotel, just like at home feeling, bring more leisure feeling to travel.