hualien attractions

Watching TV, television inside talking now go hualien attractions tourism, you can see the most beautiful scenery I saw those pictures which put the TV I felt was so beautiful that he now wanted to hualien attractions, the first two days I gave a friend told me to go hualien attractions things, friends asked how I know hualien attractions, I told a friend I was seeing on TV inside, where the scenery is really beautiful, a friend told be sure to me, said she also went before hualien attractions played, where the scenery is very good, if I wanted to, she could take me a go, I heard a friend so to speak, I’m so happy, I went after more pictures.




我們公司今天內部考核,我沒有通過,原因就是我的職場英文 沒有過關,這次我的考核成績讓領導很意外,我知道是我這段時間沒有好好學習職場英文 。領導對我挺不錯的,因為我在公司也上了好幾年班了,對業務都很熟悉,於是老闆就說是給我一次機會,讓我再一個月的時間里恢復到自己以前的職場英文 水平。我滿口答應領導說是一定沒有問題的,讓他們放心,今天就是一個月后對我再次職場英文 考核的日子,我很緊張,但是最終還是通過了職場英文 考核,我很高興。