

hualien attractions

Since the college entrance examination after the end of my classmates and I started our trip, we now see around us a lot of attractions have played, now our one goal is to go to Hualien attractions, I got up early to listen to a lot of people say that Hualien attractions is a very good place, mother early also I said she had with his father went to the Hualien attractions, just that I was still small, do not take me to, so I and my classmates planned, our travel plan when Hualien attractions is one of them, but in so many places I wasn’t really looking forward to the Hualien attractions.

hualien accommodation

Intend to go with friends Hualien so today have been preparing for the luggage, the hotel also did not want to live where, I think Hualien accommodation question I think there is also a lot of time to find the nearest hotel, a home can be, but my friend said this is not possible, although the hotel a lot, but really can not very good many, if you want to live comfortable must be properly selected. Because I always also don’t too far out the door, hotel of opportunity is few, so the Hualien accommodation this thing I listened to my friend’s words, carefully chose a hotel, for all two of us booked rooms.

Ximending boutique hotel

I am a staff Ximending boutique Hote, I’d like to work in the Ximending boutique Hote, since in this hotel after work, I had a very full. Remember once that period of time, I have been unable to find suitable work. When shopping with friends, see the Ximending boutique Hote advertisement, at that time my heart had an idea, that is to Ximending boutique Hote interview, if the interview qualified words, I can work here, and my boyfriend’s house is near to Ximending boutique Hote, he is also very support me. So I go home, immediately to the Ximending boutique Hote threw a resume. So would I, now I already was the hotel manager.



Taipei hotel near mrt

Every time I would go to Taipei, whether it is business or tourism, I would choose the Taipei hotel near MRT, one hand is because I do not know Taipei, on the other hand, I also think that Taipei hotel near MRT location is not good, no matter where the traffic is particularly convenient in a taxi take the subway, is not very convenient, for my lost, really good, but Taipei hotel near MRT and I’m like, have lived for several times, very appropriate, I most like or sleep in the evening especially quiet, sleep is also special sureness. So I was like Taipei hotel near mrt.

hualien hotel

To go to Taiwan, a friend recommended me to Hualien Hotel accommodation, said Hualien Hotel inside the environment particularly good, service is also very good, I also listened to the friend to recommend to Hualien Hotel accommodation, did not think of a friend recommended to me by Hualien Hotel is really good, oneself also like on the Hualien hotel when going to the next, go to Taiwan to play, or choose to stay in the Hualien Hotel, night colleague Xiao Liu to call me, told me she acquired with her boyfriend to go to Taiwan to play, let me recommend a hotel to her, I put the Hualien recommend hotel to a friend, a friend asked me Is it right? In the Hualien Hotel accommodation, I told my friend at Hualien Hotel accommodation, Hualien Hotel is very good. Certainly not regret to.




我的減肥計劃要開始了,這次的減肥計劃我一定要好好的堅持下來。再也不能像以前一樣了,以前的時候自己總說是要減肥的,可是每次出去玩,或都出去買吃的的時候都會把減肥的事抛到腦後,可是最近我又發現自己好像是又胖了一圈。夏天也到了,這對我來說打擊真的好大的。我真 不知道如何是好了,于是我又開始了我的減肥計劃。這次無論如何我都要堅持到底了,現在我給自己訂了一個減肥計劃,已經開始了一個禮拜了,昨晚我去稱體重的時候已經有了一點點的效果了。我很開心,我還會堅持的。

