
我自己也開了一家財務公司,雖然現在還在籌備當中,可是我對我 自己還是比較有信心的,因為我的幫手都是這一行業的專家,我姐姐是學習財務專業的,而且還有工作經驗,之前在別的公司也是二把手,所以有她給我幫忙料理財務公司的事情的話,我就放心多了,畢竟公司里有個知己的人自己也放心,因為我還有別的事情要做呢,所以說是只要我的財務公司正式營業以後我就把整個財務公司的事情交給我姐姐來代辦理了,我要去國外開拓海外市場啊!

台北 太陽餅

这次老爸和老妈是去台湾度假,一走又是好多天!每次他们出游的时候,我又是开心又是伤心,开心的是他们不在就没人唠叨我了,伤心的是我这吃饭问题难以解决,我这人挑食很就喜欢老妈做的饭菜。爸妈走后第三天我就迫不及待就打电话过去询问爸妈啥时候能回来,最好能早点回来,最好在给我带一些好吃的。真没想到爸妈第二天就回家了,还给我带回来台湾有名的特产台北 太陽餅,说真的台北 太陽餅吃起来就是比其他地方的凤梨酥地道,好吃的很。可惜爸妈怕我不喜欢吃就没买太多,爸妈说下次去台湾一定多给我带点台北 太陽餅。





Ximending luxury hotel

Really did not expect this to be second to Ximending luxury hotel, for a start to arrange our stay is not as Ximending luxury hotel, then listen to the tour guide said that because before the hotel is really no more room, so many tourists also can not be divided two batch to stay, then changed to Ximending luxury hotel. In fact, I like here, before their time with friends to travel is to live Ximending luxury hotel, the environment here should be better than those arrangements before the hotel to do better, but also to other visitors here particularly satisfied, still with the tour guide talking about it.



personal loan

一直都有做生意的想法,不過因為資金不夠充足,也不敢輕舉妄動。不過現在好了,朋友給我介紹了personal loan,就是一種私人貸款,有了personal loan就可以輕鬆創業了。現在很多地方都是可以辦理personal loan的,而且比在銀行方便很多。我現在已經申請了personal loan的手續,估計很快就會辦下來的。有了personal loan我就可以開始起步我的生意了,現在干什麼都是要趁早才行,不能因為資金問題就停滯不前,這樣會耽誤更多的時間,損失更多的財富。



real estate investment

I have a friend who works in a real estate investment company, this is we know when a party, because of his real estate investment company is famous in this area, so I told a friend chat a few words, because I also have the job hopping is going to do, after all I now the work unit welfare salary ah, what is not his good, so want to let a friend help me introduce you, friends was very readily agreed, that is every year to the end of time, when their company is the largest mobile, so advised me to the end of the year to contact with him, and he recommended me to the real estate investment to work, after all, I have this experience!

hualien hotel

A friend called me to say he is now in the Hualien Hotel for me, let me hasten to go over there, after listening to me very anxious, thought he had nothing, but when I arrived at Hualien Hotel, found my friends with a girl talking about, I just calm down, slow walk past, tell him I have come, he immediately called the waiter served, said to be invited me to dinner, I saw the original is he has got a new girlfriend, so he invited me to dinner, I watch each other quite good, polite, civilized, listen a friend said she went to work at Hualien Hotel or Hualien Hotel, and competent. I thought his girl friend is quite reliable in it.