來到這個apartment hong kong看房子的時候,當時我也還有在糾結的,結果沒有想到這次我也還真的是完全不用管的,因為這個apartment hong kong的房子就真的是很好的,而且環境也還是很不錯,我一直都是想找一個環境地理好的地方呢,結果沒有想到這次就真的是給找到了,所以這次我也還真的是就一直都有在用這個apartment hong kong的,而且住到這個apartment hong kong以后我也還真的是非常的開心的,就平時工作的時候也就還都是在這個apartment hong kong住的,很喜歡這里。
chiness lesson singapore
Before watching TV to see the Chinese drama, really interesting, should also be the love of the Chinese, just after want to have the opportunity to also want to see, to prepare for later, and so now a chiness lesson # Singapore’s class, perhaps is really interested in the reason, learning is also very serious listening, after also like to speak Chinese, think there are a lot of the wonders of Chinese, feel very interesting, chiness lesson Singapore then learn well, chat with my classmates is also talking about this, all say my decision is right, then seriously now work as a translator, too has a lot of advantages, is really good, then learn the Chinese language.
幼兒 美語
今天我送我的女兒去了幼兒 美語 那裏學習去了,我的女兒非常的喜歡幼兒 美語 那裏,可能是因為那裏的小朋友很多吧,這個幼兒 美語 還是我的同事給我介紹的呢,她的女兒以前就上過這個幼兒 美語 ,現在她的女兒已經上小學了,幼兒 美語 課讓她的女兒的發音也是很好的呢,我也感覺這個幼兒 美語 很不錯呢,讓我的女兒更好的融入到集體的生活,還學到了知識,非常的不錯呢。現在大家也都非常的重視自己孩子的學習呢。誰也不想輸到起跑線上呢,現在的教育也是越來越好了呢。
最近學校要放假,兒子這幾天都很開心,自己終於可以好好玩幾天了,我讓他這幾天好好做作業,爭取好好學,把每天的作業做完,等到了放假你快點做完作業就可以去好好玩了。兒子的學習一直都沒有讓我操心過,每次考試都是他們年級的前幾名,所以我對他的要求也都儘量滿足他,他自己也是特別懂事的孩子,最近看他同學在玩敢达 ,他就想要一個,我給他說等你放假把作業都做完后,我就帶你買。他就開心的說謝謝媽媽,媽媽最好了。看到兒子這麼開心,我也很高興,打算早點給他買個敢达讓他來玩。
Thought all the monitoring system is the same before, now just know originally used in different places have different functions of monitoring, such as HDB CCTV, one of the most used is in an apartment, HDB China central television (CCTV) is the most common in my apartment, this can be installed in the bedroom, kitchen and balcony, as long as it is needed, can be installed, HDB CCTV installation, of course, most in the bedroom is the bedroom in kindergarten, it can effectively guarantee the safety of the children and see what the children have a good lunch, but install monitoring are the most effective way to ensure safety, ensure the personal safety, also can ensure the safety of things are very useful.
CCTV Condo
Last time go to young aunt home, aunt told me cousin went to work, but is relatively far away from the company, want to give her find a house to live, don’t let her run back and forth. I asked what young aunt cousin in class, she gave me a work in CCTV, I’m happy to say the elder sister good, let elder sister good, later I will take refuge in her to go to, young aunt smiled and said you study well, wait for you to learn, later than your sister. I asked aunt why not let cousin lived in their CCTV Condo, I remember they have a house there, young aunt said she don’t know, haven’t asked my sister, and she comes back, ask if they have CCTV Condo that let her live there also convenient point, save her up so early to work every day.